Benstonite on Calcite with Sphalerite and Fluorite, Bethel Level Minerva #1 Mine, Minerva Oil Company, Cave-in-Rock District Southern Illinois, Mined ca. 1960s, ex: Wouter van Tichelen #20081104, Miniature 4.0 x 5.0 x 5.5cm,$750.Online 07/08. SOLD.
Choice miniature of golden benstonite with traces of fluorite and chalcopyrite on the matrix. Classic curvilinear, waxy luster crystals in epitaxial spires on calcite. Well crystallized on all sides and in excellent condition and a fine specimen of a rare, late-stage, complex carbonate from the district. Mined ca. 1960s. Wouter van Tichelen Collection #20081104.