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Strontianite on Sphalerite with Fluorite, Rosiclare Level Minerva #1 Mine, Ozark-Mahoning Company, Cave-in-Rock District, Southern Illinois, Mined 1995, Tolonen Collection, Miniature 3.5 x 5.5 x 6.0 cm, $125. Online 3/18. SOLD.


  • $ 12500

Nice divergent spray of pink strontianite on sphalerite matrix. Specimen was collected from the most fantastic find of pink strontianite in my 37 years experience in district. Strontianite from this find is readily identified by the exceptionally long crystals and good rich color. Condition: typical abrasion and chips on terminations. Mined April 1995 during pillar-robbing. Tolonen Collection.